We are excited that you are applying to Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago!Arrupe’s Application Process
I understand that all confidential recommendations connected to this application will be used solely to evaluate my application, and will not be disclosed to anyone, including myself.
I certify all information in my application is accurate and my own work (including brief samples and other materials submitted). I authorize the verification of my credentials for admission. I understand and agree that any misrepresentation or omission of facts in my application will justify the denial or the rescission of admission. If I am admitted, I will comply with all the rules, regulations, and policies of Loyola University Chicago, and that my admission, matriculation, and graduation are subject to the control of the authorities of Loyola University Chicago.I will notify Loyola University Chicago if I am dismissed, suspended, or placed on probation from my current academic institution after I submit this application. In addition, I will notify Loyola University Chicago if I am charged and/or convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation, after I submit this application and through the entire time of my enrollment at Loyola University Chicago. I understand that failure to provide this information could result in the denial of my application, rescission of my admission and expulsion from Loyola University Chicago.
I certify that Loyola University Chicago may publish, for public relations and marketing purposes, my photograph, or photographs and videos in which I appear.
I give Loyola University Chicago permission to request my high school transcript.I understand that if admitted to Loyola University Chicago, a $500 enrollment deposit is required to secure my space in the incoming class.